Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 3/8/12

Amended and Approved on 3/29/12

Sharon Town Hall

Filmed by SCTV


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow, Chair 

Jane Desberg, Treasurer  

Peg Arguimbau

Susan Rich  

Allen Garf  - absent

Anne Bingham  

Marc Bluestein




Alice Cheyer



Meeting Initiation

Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 7:50 PM and reviewed the Chair Report. Chair Snow also reviewed the budget numbers and explained the available balances to the other Committee members


Projects – Land Purchase for 55 Richards Avenue

Chair Snow said he attended the Finance Committee meeting to discuss the land purchase of 55 Richards Avenue. Ms. Arguimbau said she had answers to the two open questions from last meeting. The abutting property is Water Department land and the size of the property on the plan is 4.49 acres. Ms. Arguimbau said that the Finance Committee is waiting to see the CPC decision before making their decision.


Ms. Bingham moved to recommend to Town Meeting to purchase 55 Richards Avenue for 4.5 acres for the purchase price of $130,000 and $15,000 for the conservation restriction. Mr. Bluestein seconded the motion and the Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor of purchasing this land.


Sacred Heart School

Chair Snow discussed Sacred Heart property and stated that he heard it would take approximately $300,000 to demolish the building and that it may be a project that the CPC could see. No application has been received as of yet. He said that he spoke to Town Counsel who said that demolishing the building is an allowable expense falling under the category of “creating”. He said that this project will be in the pipeline to be funded. Chair Snow said he is invited to the next Sacred Heart Reuse Committee meeting. He said that in the recreation category you can only create new recreation land. The legal ruling of preserve is very narrow. Ms. Bingham asked for Town Counsel’s written opinion and Chair Snow said he will forward a copy. Ms. Bingham thought the land is considered recreation use now.  Ms. Rich asked who will be running the project and who would be submitting the application. A discussion ensued.


Horizons for Youth

Mr. Bluestein moved to authorize the final payment for the Horizons for Youth Debt in the amount of $199,387.50. Ms. Arguimbau seconded the motion and the Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor of approval.

10% category reserves

Ms. Desberg moved to accept the annual 10% appropriation estimated at $46,664.44 for each category of open space, historic, housing and the balance to the general fund. Ms. Arguimbau seconded the motion and the Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor of approval.



Ms. Arguimbau moved to approve the minutes of 2/23/12 as written.  Ms. Bingham seconded the motion and the Committee voted 5-0-1 in favor of approval. (Ms. Desberg abstained as she was not in attendance).


CPC Operating Budget

Chair Snow reviewed the administration budget and a brief discussion ensued. He said that all unused funds are rolled back. Ms. Arguimbau moved to allot $20,000 towards the operating budget. Ms. Desberg seconded the motion and the Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor.


Next Meeting Dates



Meeting Adjournment

Ms. Bingham moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM and Mr. Bluestein seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor.



1. Community Preservation Budget to date